Youssuff Quips

r/firefox Monthly Wrap-Up - May 2022: Firefox 100!

There are a lot of fun things posted on r/firefox every month, but if you don’t visit often, you might miss some things.

This is the inaugural post of a (hopefully) monthly post that tries to distill the best of that forum (in my opinion) over the last month. I’m totally open to feedback, so please let me know what you think.

Without further ado, let’s jump in!


🎉 Firefox 100 was Released!

17 years after the first version of Firefox, we’re at 100 versions. You can take a look at the complete release notes for everything that was changed.

Some of the features that got reddit users excited are: HTTPS-only mode for Firefox on Android, being able to select preferred color schemes for websites and its menus, improved process isolation in Windows (aka Win32k Lockdown), overlay scrollbars on Linux and Windows 11, and improved performance on various sites.

At 818 net votes, the r/Firefox community seems very interested in the new Total Cookie Protection test. wisniewskit dropped by to answer some questions about it, including explaining that while this has been available as an option since Firefox 86, Mozilla is hoping to enable it by default for all Firefox users.

Under the hood, opting into Total Cookie Protection in this test sets network.cookie.cookieBehavior to 5, which rejects (known) trackers and partitions third-party storage.

It is exciting to see this valuable privacy feature nearing universal release!

🧩 Add-ons

There were plenty of discussions of add-ons in the last month.

✊ Take Back the Web 🌐

Alaina Yee at PCWorld wrote a very nice article with 8 reasons to ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox.

This may not end up going anywhere, as it is based on leaks, but The Register says that Apple’s grip on iOS browser engines [will be] disallowed under latest draft EU rules.

Personally, I’ll believe it when I see it, and I’m not holding my breath. Others are pessimistic about the prospect that this will lead to “even more Chromium on this world”.

🙌 Uplifting Posts

🐛 Bugs and Issues




Feel free to give me feedback on this post on reddit.

This project is maintained by yoasif